Catalog #
Product Description
This high affinity His-tag antibody is developed using a polyhistidine peptide (HHHHHH) conjugated to KLH and affinity-purified with the HHHHHH peptide on agarose. The antibody is useful for detection, affinity isolation, enrichment and localization of His-tag proteins.
Western-blot with His-tag antibody, HRP (ICP0851) of the His-tag protein (50 kDa) expressed cell lysate and enriched His-tag protein by IP with anti-His-tag (ICP0850) 1: Molecular marker 2: 10 μL of His-tag protein in lysate (original cell lysate) 3: 10 μL of His-tag protein in lysate (after IP) 4: 10 μL of the His-tag protein in 100 μL of the IP eluting buffer, enriched with 25 μg of the anti-His tag (ICP0850) from 2 mL of the original lysate